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Who’s Your Daddy?

Whose law are you under?
The Man of Lawlessness — A false messiah who deceives the nations, speaks against the Most High, and thinks to change the times and the Law.

If you’re not under God’s Law,
Whose law are you under?

YHWH is God
Our creator
King of the Universe
The Law-maker

Yeshua, Jesus, is Messiah
Our savior
Prince of Peace
Who redeems mankind from Lawlessness

Father and Son
The two are one in unity and will
Messiah only does as he sees his Father do
To know Jesus is to know God

The Son doesn’t undermine his Father’s authority
Nor does the Father stand in contrast to His Son
There is no division between God and Messiah
No disagreement Word for Word

Jesus’ purpose was not to overturn his Father’s commandments
He did not come to void the requirements of God
Salvation is not freedom from Law
Or permission to disobey without consequence

There is another person
Who calls us to turn away from God’s commandments,
To walk against God’s Law,
And convince us we have no duty or obligation

There is another person
Who tells us to question God’s decrees,
To believe there is no consequence,
To see God as a tyrannical oppressor

There is another person
Who teaches us to despise God’s Law
To view it as unholy,
And unjust

We all conform to someone’s law
Either the one given by YHWH at Sinai
Or another given contrary to what Moses recorded
Whose law do you obey?

YHWH’s promise of a New Covenant
Is His Law written on your heart
If YHWH’s Law isn’t written on your heart
Whose covenant did you join?

Jesus’ salvation is from the penalty of your Lawlessness
Then, he wants you to go and sin no more
If you live a life of intentional Lawlessness
Whose salvation do you have?

1 thought on “Who’s Your Daddy?

  1. The great I Am

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