
Failure to read and study in context is an epidemic problem with Bible study.

In writing, context is the complete text surrounding a sentence, paragraph, or chapter. Context establishes the relevant facts necessary to understand the meaning and intent of the writing. Through context we understand who is speaking, who is the audience, what message or idea is being communicated, and what the author intended readers to get from the written word.

Failure to read and study in context is an epidemic problem with Bible study. Taking scripture out of context is very common practice, and it accounts for many of the errors in doctrines and creeds permeating the church. When scripture is taken out of context, it’s meaning and application becomes distorted. Text taken out of context deviates from the intended meaning of the writer and leads us to false interpretations.

We have to stop lifting single-verses out of context and hanging entire doctrines on them.

We have to stop teaching children that “memory verses” lifted out of context is sound study method.

We have to stop hiding behind our favorite Biblical one-liners, lifted out of context because they seem to support what we already believe.

The following studies are intended to help students learn what context is, how to read and study in context, and how to avoid the errors of lifting scripture out of context.

1. Identifying Context in Written Text
2. Conjunctions
3. Peter’s Vision: A Study in Context