Organizational Structure

Bokim Ministries is organized as a Benefit Corporation. Bokim Ministries is not a non-profit organization, which means we are obligated to pay taxes and any monetary gifts given to our ministry are not tax-deductible.

We chose to organize as a Benefit Corporation rather than a Non-Profit for several reasons:

1. Yeshua (Jesus) told us to pay taxes (Matthew 22:15-22, Matthew 17:24-27), and his apostles likewise taught us to obey authorities and pay taxes (Romans 13:1-7). Therefore, we see no valid Biblical basis to avoid paying taxes. We want to obey the teachings and example of our Messiah, so we choose to pay taxes as he instructed.

2. We are not motivated to reduce expense or increase revenue. YHWH is our source, and we have a promise that if we seek His kingdom and His righteousness then He will meet our material needs (Matthew 6:19-34). We trust in YHWH’s promises and provision, and we focus on our mission of teaching YHWH’s word and making disciples as Yeshua instructed us.

3. By not organizing as a Non-Profit, we do not fall under the legal obligation to refrain from engaging in any activity deemed “political campaigning”. While Bokim Ministries’ goal is not to enter the political arena, we wish to remain free to teach and preach as YHWH leads us. Therefore, it is desirable not to limit our freedom of speech in any area.

Organizing as a Benefit Corporation allows us to establish an organization that serves according the teaching and example of our Messiah, is not obligated to seek profit above all else, and is not limited in speech.