Genesis Overview

Bereshit - In the beginning
Bereshit – In the beginning. Commonly known as Genesis in English.

In the beginning…

Genesis is the book of creation. In Genesis we are told how the world was created in six days by the word and will of YHWH our God. There is order and purpose to the universe. Everything was created to be as it is, to function as it does, with reason and intent. Through the Genesis account of creation, we know YHWH is our creator and our ruler; therefore, there is no speculation of where we came from or why we are here.

Genesis also tells us the origin of our circumstances. We were created perfect and sinless, but we were tested and allowed to choose for ourselves which way to go. Throughout scripture, we repeatedly see that we are responsible to make our choice to follow God or reject Him. The first humans disbelieved God and chose sin, bringing corruption and death to the world. Our relationship with God was severed, but He promised a redeemer who would eventually restore us to the right relationship with God.

Genesis records the origin of civilization and the nations of the world. In this book we see the life of founding fathers, who rose up to establish cities, states, and countries. We see the distinction between the nations who spurn God and the nation called by God to be His people.

Genesis: Chapter 1

Genesis: Chapter 2