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What’s Your View on “The Law”?

The Law: Half full, or half empty?
How do we see God’s Law? Is it black or white? A terrible concoction we shoot down with disgust? Or, a delectable drink we look forward to, savoring every sip? Did Jesus pour it out or fill it the rest of the way up?

What comes to mind when you hear “the Law”? Most people I meet in mainstream Christianity immediately associate “Law” as something negative. Something harsh. Something undesirable. Something they want to get away from. Continue reading What’s Your View on “The Law”?

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People Against God And Nomos

Belief in the “immortal soul” is what the philosopher Plato taught. How many traditions and doctrines are influenced by pagan beliefs?

Mainstream Christian doctrine teaches souls are immortal spirits that live forever after we die. Souls are believed to possess our thought, memory, and persona. The souls of the saved are believed to go to Heaven; the souls of the damned are said to go to Hell (where they are tortured for eternity). The ultimate goal of the faith is to receive salvation, achieve the desirable afterlife in Heaven, and avoid being tortured forever in Hell.

These beliefs are pagan. Continue reading People Against God And Nomos

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Holy God or Lawless Tyrant?

Tortured in Hell
It’s against the Law. Torture is a violation of Torah. So, how can we think God is going to torture people for all eternity?

YHWH (the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) is a God of order and peace. YHWH gave us His teachings, instructions, and commandments so we can know His will and His way. God’s Law establishes a framework of acceptable behavior and acceptable disciplinary actions. God’s Law is the standard by which He, His people, and His kingdom as a whole must live by. There is one Law for both the native-born Israelite and the foreigner living among us; and, all are accountable to that Law.

Is torture consistent with God’s Law? Does God permit us to torture people for any reason? Is torture ever an acceptable form of punishment in the Kingdom of Heaven? Or, is torture against God’s Law? Continue reading Holy God or Lawless Tyrant?

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Holy, Perfect, and Just Awful

Burning in Hell
Consider the horror of eternal, conscious, torture in the fire of Hell. Is this doctrine consistent with the nature and character of God as defined in the Bible?

Hell is a very hot topic; it provokes scalding arguments on all sides. Historically, sermons on Hell have been wielded as weapons of fear to terrorize people into obeying church doctrines. Presently, many congregations tip-toe around the topic of Hell to avoid offending or upsetting people. To the believer, Hell can be a necessary component of the gospel message. To the unbeliever, Hell can seem exceedingly cruel and merciless.

This is the first installment in our “Go to Hell” series. Over the next few articles we’ll explore the concept of Hell as it relates to God, the Bible, and the faith. Continue reading Holy, Perfect, and Just Awful

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Satan’s Three-Point Sermon

Satan's Deception
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

We are warned not to be ignorant of the devil’s schemes and to guard ourselves against his deceptions. To overcome ignorance and prepare ourselves to resist the devil, we must understand Satan’s tactics. How does Satan mislead people away from God, away from Messiah, and towards a counterfeit messiah?

Continue reading Satan’s Three-Point Sermon