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Grappling With Doctrine

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

This is a very well-known, and often quoted, piece of scripture. But, this piece of scripture creates a logical conflict with popular doctrine.

Popular doctrine teaches that most of the Bible is null and void. We’re told “The Law” is no longer applicable, and this argument comes in several forms such as follow:

  1. Jesus ‘fulfilled” The Law, meaning he brought it to an end so it’s now defunct.

  2. Jesus obeyed The Law for us, meaning he did it so now we don’t have to.

  3. The Law was only ever given to The Jews, meaning if you’re not a biological Jew you never had to obey it.

There are other doctrinal arguments against The Law, but they all work towards the same aim…to convince Christians that God’s Law is void, non-binding, and we are under no obligation to obey it. And therein lies the logical conflict.

grappling with doctrine
Everyone must wrestle with the difficult portions of scripture, being prepared to cast off any doctrine that is useless or counter-productive to understanding truth.
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