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Picking Cherries and Spitting Pits

Cherry Picking

We continue looking at reasoning and testing as they relate to our study method. Today, we are considering the fallacy of cherry picking. This is possibly the biggest and most frequently occurring fallacy in the church.

It’s important to understand what cherry picking is, how it works, and how to recognize it in ourselves and others. If we recognize cherry picking in others, we can effectively refute their position and defend ours. If we recognize cherry picking in ourselves, we can eliminate it from our study and improve our understanding of scripture. Continue reading Picking Cherries and Spitting Pits

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Argumentum Ad Populum

argumentum ad populum

Part of our Study Method includes reasoning and testing. To reason well, we must recognize and address fallacious arguments. Inwardly, many popular doctrines and traditions are defended with fallacious reasoning; and, recognizing the fallacy helps us determine if a doctrine or tradition is true and Biblical. Outwardly, many arguments against the faith are based on fallacious arguments; and, recognizing the fallacy helps us defend the faith and resist being broken down by the enemy.

Argumentum Ad Populum is a Latin phrase that means “argument to the people” or “appeal to the people”. This is a fallacious argument that attempts to prove something by citing how popular it is. The error in this argument is twofold: Continue reading Argumentum Ad Populum

argumentum ad populum

Part of our Study Method includes reasoning and testing. To reason well, we must recognize and address fallacious arguments. Inwardly, many popular doctrines and traditions are defended with fallacious reasoning; and, recognizing the fallacy helps us determine if a doctrine or tradition is true and Biblical. Outwardly, many arguments against the faith are based on fallacious arguments; and, recognizing the fallacy helps us defend the faith and resist being broken down by the enemy.

Argumentum Ad Populum is a Latin phrase that means “argument to the people” or “appeal to the people”. This is a fallacious argument that attempts to prove something by citing how popular it is. The error in this argument is twofold: Continue reading Argumentum Ad Populum

argumentum ad populum

Part of our Study Method includes reasoning and testing. To reason well, we must recognize and address fallacious arguments. Inwardly, many popular doctrines and traditions are defended with fallacious reasoning; and, recognizing the fallacy helps us determine if a doctrine or tradition is true and Biblical. Outwardly, many arguments against the faith are based on fallacious arguments; and, recognizing the fallacy helps us defend the faith and resist being broken down by the enemy.

Argumentum Ad Populum is a Latin phrase that means “argument to the people” or “appeal to the people”. This is a fallacious argument that attempts to prove something by citing how popular it is. The error in this argument is twofold: Continue reading Argumentum Ad Populum