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Attacking the Strawman

attacking the strawmanA strawman argument, or attacking a strawman, is a common type of fallacious argument. The strawman argument mischaracterizes an opponent’s position then attacks the distorted version of the opponent’s argument. Done intentionally, the strawman argument creates an appearance the issue was addressed when, in actuality, the true issue was avoided and only the false representation of the issue was addressed. Done unintentionally, the strawman argument is a product of misunderstanding the issue.

The strawman argument can be structured as follows:

Person 1 raises an issue, makes a point, or asserts an argument

Person 2 mischaracterizes the issue

Person 2 then refutes the mischaracterized version of the argument Continue reading Attacking the Strawman

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The Bible Never Said…

You have heard it was said… But I say to you…

Most “common knowledge” of the Bible comes from hearsay and rumor. People grow up hearing about the Bible and its teachings without actually reading and studying the Bible to see what it says. Atheists hear something bad about the Bible and just believe what they heard, never researching or testing to see if it’s what the Bible actually said. Christians are guilty of this as well. How many people sit in a pew, listen to the guy up front, and just trust that what he says is true? Or, how many Christians simply believe a favorite author or radio personality?

Here are a few misconceptions of the Bible that I often receive as arguments and proofs against it. These are things people frequently think and say about the Bible, but just a little bit of study and thought proves them untrue.

the bible never said
“Disproving” the Bible by attacking a point it never made is a strawman argument.

Continue reading The Bible Never Said…