
The Torah of YHWH is perfect

Torah is His word
       Spoken to His servant
       Given to His children
       Preserved throughout the generations

Torah is His will
       Communicated to mankind
       Distinguishing good from evil
       Telling us how to relate to Him

Torah is His teaching
       Given for our benefit
       Instructing all our ways
       To put it into practice is wisdom and prosperity

Who can improve upon perfection?
       If it lacked anything, it was never perfect
       If it lacked nothing, nothing can be added

What needs to be removed from perfection?
       To chip a flawless gem is to add a flaw
       To diminish a diamond’s clarity is to reduce its beauty and value

If the teachings, instructions, and commands of YHWH are upheld
       The people gain understanding
       The people follow sound wisdom
       The people live in justice and order

If the teachings, instructions, and commands of YHWH are abolished
       The people lose knowledge
       The people lose direction
       The people lose governance